Sunday, August 23, 2015

What Is Hypnosis? And What Isn't It?

I have always believed in the efficacy of hypnosis and self-hypnosis (although the terms "transpersonal" and "hynotherapy" were relatively new to me when I began my course studies at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.) I actually began my study of hypnosis in the 1980s, reading books on the subject as well as books on Edgar Cayce. Life choices took me in a different direction until recently, when I heard about the Hypnotherapy course offered by SWIHA.

When I first shared my excitement about my classes with others, I was shocked by the responses I got, even from family and close friends. "Hypnosis? It sounds bogus. It's a scam." Or "Are you going to make people cluck like a chicken?" Or "I don't want to be hypnotized because I don't want to give up control of my life. I need to be aware of what's going on and always be in control." So many misconceptions. I had my work cut out for me.

I found that none of them really understood the concept of hypnosis at all. They had only ever seen stage hypnotists who wanted to entertain their audiences, usually by suggesting that willing participants drop their inhibitions, cluck like chickens, and make the audiences laugh and applaud. The key elements as I tried to explain to them, are that those are willing participants who want to be uninhibited enough to take and follow the suggestions of the hypnotist. On stage, it can be funny. They are essentially giving themselves permission to be goofy, silly, ridiculous - doing things they could never do in their daily lives (but perhaps they wish they could) but in a private, personal setting it can allow someone who is willing to trust the practitioner an opportunity to fully relax into a trance-like state and achieve whatever goals they pursue. It could be quitting smoking, weight loss, or fear of public speaking. And importantly, I explained that there is no loss of control. The client is always fully aware and can never be forced to do anything that they don't want to do.

Finally, they each understood that as a hypnotherapist, I have immense respect for my clients, desiring only to help them reach the goals they've set for themselves. That the deep relaxation of the trance state allows the body, mind and spirit to focus in to what they need. And that it's the furthest thing from bogus or chicken clucking. It can help them take control in positive ways, and achieve that which they most desire.

And while there are no guarantees or miracle cures, the results can be astounding. Smoking cessation, weight loss, pain control, conquering fears. These are just a few of the ways hypnosis can help. I can start you on the path but the first step is up to you. Contact me with your questions and concerns. Namaste.